The Dutch Girl Tales #5: Nederlandse hotspots in Londen!

The Dutch Girl Tales #5: Nederlandse hotspots in Londen!

Als je alleen maar voor een weekendje naar Londen komt, dan heb je vast geen behoefte om op zoek te gaan naar typisch Nederlandse dingen. Expats zoals ik daarentegen smachten regelmatig opeens naar drop, goede pindakaas of Indonesisch eten. Ben je dus een Nederlandse expat of vind je het leuk om tijdens je citytrip te zien hoe een Nederlandse kroeg in Londen eruitziet? Lees dan mijn volgende tips voor (bijna-) Nederlandse hotspots in Londen!

Come and Visit My First Photo Exhibition in a London Gallery!

Come and Visit My First Photo Exhibition in a London Gallery!

On 1 and 2 August I will be part of a group exhibition of photos taken on the new Samsung S9 mobile phones. Since not all my friends and online followers will be able to attend the show, I've been asked by them to share some of my photos online. Because your wish is my command, here are some of my photos!

The Postal Museum: Step Inside London’s Secret Subterranean Mail Delivery System and Discover the Dangerous History of the Royal Mail

The Postal Museum: Step Inside London’s Secret Subterranean Mail Delivery System and Discover the Dangerous History of the Royal Mail

When was the last time you received a letter in the post? Today, with so many different ways to communicate, it's never been easier to stay in touch with your friends and family (or even people you don't really know). My visit to The Postal Museum yesterday made me reflect on the lost art of letter writing and also taught me that delivering post 500 years ago was an extremely dangerous profession!

The Dutch Girl Tales #4: ‘The Exorcist’ in concert en een vage mondinfectie

The Dutch Girl Tales #4: ‘The Exorcist’ in concert en een vage mondinfectie

On each first Sunday of the month I write a blog post in Dutch. // 1 juli, de eerste zondag van de maand en dus een nieuwe aflevering van The Dutch Girl Tales. Zowel in Nederland als hier in Engeland belooft het kwik vandaag rond de 30 graden uit te komen. Voordat we massaal aan de waterijsjes gaan of op een andere manier verkoeling proberen te vinden, is hierbij een overzicht van mijn maand juni.

I See the World in Black and White

I See the World in Black and White

Do you also often leave exhibitions feeling inspired to make art afterwards? I'm no painter nor would I be able to draw a decent still life if my own life depended on it, but whenever I visit a collage or photography show, I cannot wait to get home to start making work myself. The same happened to me last week when I visited the show 'The Shape of Light: 100 Years of Photography and Abstract Art' at Tate Modern. This show was the inspiration for my new Instagram account, focussing solely on black and white photography.

The Dutch Girl Tales #3: Wat Wil Jij Later Worden Als Je Groot Bent?

The Dutch Girl Tales #3: Wat Wil Jij Later Worden Als Je Groot Bent?

Ben jij een van die irritante mensen die al op jonge leeftijd wist wat je wilde worden? Het is je na die ene zin vast al heel duidelijk dat ik niet tot een van die mensen behoor. Nu ik (al bijna) groot ben, weet ik eigenlijk nog steeds niet wat ik 'later' worden wil. Onlangs had ik mijn jaarlijks terugkerend crisismoment waarop ik reflecteer op mijn leven en loopbaan. Hoe dat verliep, lees je hier.

3 Extravagant Historical London Homes You Must Visit

3 Extravagant Historical London Homes You Must Visit

What I love most about London is its rich history and the fact that some of the greatest historical figures have once called this city their home. Sometimes their former residences were quite extravagant, to say the least. In this post I'm sharing three of my favourite historical London homes with you that are far from any other house you have ever seen!

Film Review: ‘Filmworker’ – Meet Leon Vitali, the Hidden Figure Behind Stanley Kubrick

Film Review: ‘Filmworker’ – Meet Leon Vitali, the Hidden Figure Behind Stanley Kubrick

How far would you go to be able to work with someone you admire? Would you give up your own promising career in the spotlight only to disappear behind the scenes, without getting any credits despite the painful amount of blood, sweat and tears you put into your work? Meet actor Leon Vitali, he dedicated his life to the work of Stanley Kubrick and was his right-hand man for 20 years. Tony Zierra’s documentary 'Filmworker' tells the untold story of Vitali, the hidden figure behind one of the most celebrated directors in film history.

Remaining Fearless in the Face of Art: Interview with Artist Eric N Mack

Remaining Fearless in the Face of Art: Interview with Artist Eric N Mack

Currently on show at Simon Lee Gallery is 'Misa Hylton-Brim', the first solo London exhibition of New York-based artist Eric N Mack. I had to pleasure to share a house with him during our Robert Rauschenberg residency in Florida where I interviewed him about his work and practice.

Why I Can’t Bear the Question “But Where Are You REALLY From?”

Why I Can’t Bear the Question “But Where Are You REALLY From?”

How often are you asked where you're REALLY from? If I'd get a pound (or Euro) each time I was asked this, I would almost be able to afford a new iPhone with that money. Although by now I'm kind of used to that question, it really annoys and sometimes even hurts me. In this blog post I tell you why.