Film Review: ‘Heavy Trip’ – A Finnish Black Metal Comedy

Film Review: ‘Heavy Trip’ – A Finnish Black Metal Comedy

The unconventional feel-good movie 'Heavy Trip', a Finnish comedy about an upcoming amateur black metal band, has been hailed as the Scandi version of the cult film 'This is Spinal Tap'. Even if you're not the biggest metalhead, the bizarre adventures of this ambitious metal quartet will rock your socks off!

(Don’t) Stop ‘The Clock’: Watch Time Tick Away on the Big Screen

(Don’t) Stop ‘The Clock’: Watch Time Tick Away on the Big Screen

Could you imagine watching a 24-hour long film without a main plot and with clocks as its main protagonists? Although this principle might sound like it could be a tedious ordeal, Christian Marclay's impressive video collage 'The Clock' consisting of about 12,000 film and television clips actually makes for an unforgettable experience. This special video work opened at Tate Modern on Friday 14 September and I went to see it yesterday morning, spending four hours in Christian Marclay's carefully curated cinematic world.

Film Review: ‘Under the Tree’ – The Bloody Tragedy of a Large Tree and Missing Pets

Film Review: ‘Under the Tree’ – The Bloody Tragedy of a Large Tree and Missing Pets

A large tree causing a neighbour conflict, a catastrophic sex video, chainsaws, missing pets and one of the slowest car chases in recent film history: the new dark Icelandic suburban satire 'Under the Tree' might start off as a comedy, but soon develops into a bloody Jacobean tragedy with events that will both make you laugh and cringe in your seat.

Film Review: ‘Filmworker’ – Meet Leon Vitali, the Hidden Figure Behind Stanley Kubrick

Film Review: ‘Filmworker’ – Meet Leon Vitali, the Hidden Figure Behind Stanley Kubrick

How far would you go to be able to work with someone you admire? Would you give up your own promising career in the spotlight only to disappear behind the scenes, without getting any credits despite the painful amount of blood, sweat and tears you put into your work? Meet actor Leon Vitali, he dedicated his life to the work of Stanley Kubrick and was his right-hand man for 20 years. Tony Zierra’s documentary 'Filmworker' tells the untold story of Vitali, the hidden figure behind one of the most celebrated directors in film history.

Alternative and Arthouse Halloween Film Tips

Alternative and Arthouse Halloween Film Tips

Halloween is upon us! Besides dressing up and devouring tons of sweets, there’s no better way to mark this demonic date than by watching a scary film. However, what would you watch if you are a bit of a scaredy pants, like me, but still want to join in the Halloween movie fun? Well, then you might enjoy one of the films on my alternative and arthouse Halloween film list!

Through the Camera’s Eye – From ‘Fargo’ to ‘The Revenant’: A Celebration of Cinematographers

Through the Camera’s Eye – From ‘Fargo’ to ‘The Revenant’: A Celebration of Cinematographers

Do you choose your clothes by how they look or who designed them? Now think about films. You probably choose to watch a film based upon who directed it or who stars in it, but have you ever considered who's responsible for how these film look? Who takes care of the majestic images before you? While the film director will describe the desired feel and look of his/her film, it's the cinematographer who actually creates the images that lock into your memory. The current exhibition on acclaimed director of photography Robby Müller at EYE film museum in Amsterdam provides insight in the importance of the cinematographer.

Exhibition: ‘Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick’ at Somerset House – Tribute to a Master or Failed Project?

Exhibition: ‘Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick’ at Somerset House – Tribute to a Master or Failed Project?

The brilliant film director Stanley Kubrick has inspired many artists for decades now, even well after his death. To celebrate this icon, James Lavelle has curated the exhibition 'Daydreaming with Stanley Kubrick' that displays works of 45 artists, from film makers to street artists and a taxidermist, who have all been inspired by the maestro himself. The exhibition is on till 24 August 2016 at Somerset House.

Exhibition: Michelangelo Antonioni – Il Maestro del Cinema Moderno

Exhibition: Michelangelo Antonioni – Il Maestro del Cinema Moderno

Last week I was briefly Dutch Girl in the Netherlands (not that an exciting name, I know). Before I jetted off back to the UK again, I made a stopover at EYE Film Museum in Amsterdam. I'm such a fan of this museum: the building itself looks like an alien spaceship freshly landed from an extrasolar [...]

Film Review: What We Do in the Shadows

Film Review: What We Do in the Shadows Plot Meet Viago, Deacon, Vladislav and Petyr, four flatmates in Wellington, New Zealand. The mockumentary What We Do in the Shadows shows their daily mundane struggles such as paying rent, keeping up with the chore wheel, getting into vampire-friendly nightclubs and not to drink the blood of their flatmates’ human friends. Synopsis The opening credits [...]